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Conversation on W&I Insurance in M&A Transactions

As an M&A lawyer with a keen interest in the nuances of the M&A field, I’ve observed that warranty and indemnity insurance (W&I) is not that common in M&A transactions in Malaysia, as far as I know. Therefore, when I saw Martijn de Lange of BMS Group commenting about W&I …

Company Law

Indirect Substantial Shareholder

A person can be a substantial shareholder in a company without directly holding any shares in that company. One of the challenges that often arises when I work on IPOs or other equity capital market exercises is the assessment of whether an individual holds an indirect substantial shareholding in a …

Company Law

Legal Requirements for Directors’ Fees and Benefits in Malaysia

One common issue I encounter in both M&A deals and IPO exercises relates to compliance with the legal requirements for the payment of director’s fees and benefits. Additionally, the legal obligations regarding director’s service contracts should not be overlooked. Here are the key points: Constitution 1. If a company, whether public …

Linkedin Post

M&A: Earn-out vs. Performance Guarantee

I find that clients and other advisers sometimes confuse the concepts of an earn-out with a performance guarantee. They tell me they want a performance guarantee clause in the sale and purchase agreement, but upon further probing, it becomes clear that what they actually want is an earn-out clause. Both …

Linkedin Post

When to use (and not to use) earn-outs in M&A transactions

When I first learned about the concept of an earn-out mechanism in M&A transactions, I thought it was an absolute good idea. An earn-out bridges the gap between the seller’s and the purchaser’s perception of the value of a target company. If the target company achieves the agreed metrics or …

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I started reading “Rejection Proof: How I Beat Fear and Became Invincible Through 100 Days of Rejection” by Jia Jiang recently. I figured I would be a happier person and a more resilient lawyer if I could handle rejection more constructively. As I delved into the book and began reflecting …