Notice of meeting for issuance of shares by a company listed on the Main Market or ACE Market or its subsidiaries to a director, major shareholder, chief executive of the listed company or its holding company or persons connected with them must contain the details required under the Listing Requirements. …
The Prospectus Guidelines require material properties owned and rented by a company seeking for listing and its subsidiaries to be set out in prospectus. Further, the prospectus must set out the relevant laws, rules or requirements governing the group’s business and environmental issue which may materially affect the group’s business …
If you are wondering why your IPO lawyers ask so many questions whenever they detect potential legal non-compliance by your company which intends to undertake an IPO (even if it may not be a major issue), it is probably because of the following. The Prospectus Guidelines require any relevant laws, …
The following are some points to consider for the appointment of an independent director of a public listed company (“PLC”): 1. Whether a candidate for the position of independent director is able to exercise independent judgment and act in the best interest of the PLC. 2. Whether the background and …
When a public listed company or its subsidiary enters into a contract in respect of a transaction which requires the approval of the shareholders of the PLC, the circular must include salient terms of the contract. Some considerations in determining which terms of the contract to be disclosed as salient …
This is a question I often get when seeking information from directors and key senior management on their shareholding to be disclosed in prospectus. The following are situations I usually encounter where a person is deemed to have indirect interest in shares: – A director of a company is deemed …
Companies which intend to undertake IPO during the COVID-19 pandemic may need to disclose the impact of COVID-19 on their business and operations in prospectus. Some of the additional disclosure in prospectus during the COVID-19 pandemic may include: – whether the pandemic and the movement control order (MCO) imposed by …
Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Securities”) has assumed the functions of prospectus review and registration in respect of ACE Market initial public offering (“IPO”) and listing from the Securities Commission Malaysia (“SC”) since 1 January 2022. The following laws and guidelines have been amended to facilitate the migration of the …
A company which intends to undertake IPO should start identifying candidates for independent directors as soon as possible. The definition of “independent director”, read together with the relevant Practice Note/Guidance Note in the Listing Requirements, provides a non-exhaustive list of what an independent director should not be. If a person …
It is never too early for a company which intends to undertake an IPO to ensure that it complies with all applicable laws. Under the Prospectus Guidelines, a company seeking for listing must disclose any non-compliance of the relevant laws, regulations, rules or requirements governing the conduct of the group’s …