
What I do as a corporate lawyer

Part of my job as a corporate lawyer is to listen when clients explain the commercial terms that they want to include in agreements. The next stage involves asking detailed questions to clarify how the commercial terms should work in the actual world (and not just in theory). Sometimes the …


How I delegate effectively

One of the challenges that I face as I progress through my career is how to delegate effectively. Sometimes, it is easier to draft than to review others’ drafts. Putting my own thoughts into words may be easier than reviewing others’ work and trying to understand their flow of thoughts. …

Equity capital markets (ECM)

Understand corporate finance/ECM work

When I started working on corporate finance transactions as a junior lawyer, it was overwhelming. It was a constant rush to ensure comments for announcements, circulars and submission documents were sent to principal advisers in time for the announcements and submissions to be made. Lunch time in the early years …


Lawyering: Changing practice areas

I was asked whether it is possible for a lawyer to switch to corporate practice from another practice area. I think I may not be the most qualified person to answer this question as I have been a corporate lawyer throughout my career and have not changed practice areas before. …

Due Diligence

Is it possible to enjoy doing legal due diligence work?

I get a bit skeptical when interviewees or junior lawyers say they enjoy doing legal due diligence work. My first reaction would be, “Really?” Is it possible to enjoy doing legal due diligence work? The volume of documents to be reviewed, tight deadlines, amount of effort required to get complete …



SPM (Malaysian equivalent of GCE O Level) results were out two weeks ago. I was reminded again how lucky I was. I wrote about how a scholarship from The University of Sheffield allowed me to pursue my dream of studying law in the UK. I know not everyone gets so …


A story on locked box mechanism

A battle of egos is how I remember the incident. I was once involved in an M&A transaction which the consideration was based on a locked box mechanism.* In addition to lawyers, there were also financial adviser and investment banker involved in the deal. All the advisers were in a …


Work life balance-sustainability is the key

I think I have not written any post on mental health or work life balance before. It is a difficult topic. We have different needs. What one person needs for mental health and work life balance is different for another person. With the demand that comes with the nature of …


Maintaining responsibility when delegating

I had my “this is a textbook answer” moment. I requested for research to be done. What happened next is common in law firms- my request was further delegated to another person. When I read the research finding that changed hands a couple of times, I noted that it was …

Equity capital markets (ECM)

Use a checklist!

Being meticulous is an important skill for an equity capital markets (“ECM”) lawyer to have. ECM exercise is typically fast-paced and deadlines driven. It requires co-ordination among the due diligence working group members (“DDWG”) as draft documents may be prepared by a DDWG member and commented by the rest of …