Factors to consider for appointment of independent director
- By : Wong Mei Ying
- Category : Directors, Equity capital markets (ECM), IPO, Linkedin Post

The following are some factors to consider when selecting candidates to be independent directors of a public listed company in Malaysia
• Whether the proposed independent director complies with the requirements within the “independent director” definition in Chapter 1 of the Listing Requirements, read together with PN 13 of the Main Market Listing Requirements or GN 9 of the Ace Market Listing Requirements
• Do not rely solely on recommendations from existing directors, management, or major shareholders
• Utilise independent sources to identify suitable candidates
• Whether the proposed independent director has any actual or potential conflict of interest vis-à-vis the appointing company such as the proposed independent director has an interest in any entity which is (1) carrying on a similar trade as the appointing company; or (2) a customer or supplier of the appointing company
• Whether the proposed independent director is able to devote sufficient time to the company
• Avoid any appointment that may cause doubt on the integrity and governance of the company
• Whether the proposed independent director is able to exercise independent judgement and act in the interests of the company
A person who agrees to act as an independent director of a public listed company is required to confirm his/her independence to Bursa Malaysia under the Listing Requirements.
This post was first posted on Linkedin on 20 May 2021.