Manage workflow-don’t make others wait indefinitely
- By : Wong Mei Ying
- Category : Lawyering, Linkedin Post

My colleague prevented me from inadvertently voting for “I prefer to work than going on the Firm’s trip”.
Our Sports Committee sent an internal email to everyone at Tay & Partners to vote for our preferred destination for our firm’s annual trip. Failure to vote would be deemed as preferring to work while others go on the trip. I saw the email while searching my inbox for something else, but my mind was elsewhere, and I couldn’t find the voting button. I planned to deal with it later.
After a day or so, my colleague texted me to remind me to vote. I saw the text message and intended to reply after I completed what I was doing at that moment. However, the text was on my mind. Less than 5 minutes later, I changed my mind and looked for the email. This time, I saw the voting button. It took me a few minutes to decide, and then it was done. Everyone could move on.
This experience reminded me of how much I dislike chasing after someone to do their part, in order for me to do mine. It creates unnecessary stress, especially if the task of reminding someone falls on junior lawyers.
“I have already done my part and now it’s waiting to be reviewed. What should I tell the clients/ other advisers when they chase?”
“When should I send a reminder?”
“How often should I send a reminder without being seen as annoying?”
“I have other matters to rush, can’t they just do their part?”
These were the thoughts that ran through my mind when I was the one having to remind others when I was a junior lawyer.
I try not to be the one holding up others from doing their work.
This post was first posted on LinkedIn 25 April 2024.