My blog
- By : Wong Mei Ying
- Category : Lawyering, Linkedin Post

I was surprised when someone I have worked with contacted me to enquire about a post I put on my blog
My blog usually gets a handful of readers from universities, banks and corporations.
I didn’t expect someone I know would google for solution to an issue she faced in an equity fund raising exercise and find my blog.
I used to write for a target audience. Nowadays, my posts reflect what I read, think and encounter in my work.
When I first started posting on Linkedin, I posted anything related to corporate law that crossed my mind. My posts were mostly on M&A, corporate finance/equity capital market and company law. Occasionally I shared stories about being a corporate lawyer.
As time passed, I narrowed down my posts to M&A and ECM. Nowadays, I post mostly on M&A.
There are times while working on some transactions, I recall some of my posts which could help with the issues at hand.
When I received the call, it was good to know that my post was helpful for someone else.
This post first appeared on Linkedin on 9 March 2023.