Peace of Mind
- By : Wong Mei Ying
- Category : Lawyering, Linkedin Post

When clients engage lawyers for legal due diligence or to draft a share purchase agreement, they are not seeking the most polished report or a perfect agreement. What they truly want is peace of mind from knowing that their concerns are addressed and their matters are in good hands.
Similarly, when I delegate work to associates, what I’m really looking for is peace of mind – the assurance that the task will be completed diligently and competently, not just for the sake of doing it.
In the legal profession, whether working with clients externally or with colleagues within the firm, the ultimate goal is peace of mind. It’s about being able to trust that the person you rely on will approach the task with diligence and a commitment to excellence, not simply checking off a box.
This post first posted on LinkedIn on 20 August 2024.