The Mind That Never Rests
- By : Wong Mei Ying
- Category : Due Diligence, Lawyering, Linkedin Post

What does a corporate transactional lawyer do while waiting in the lift, at a restaurant counter or for coffee at a café?
I read the licenses on display, check their validity periods, and scan for conditions.
When I see certificates on the walls, I can’t help but examine them too.
And then it hits me – why am I doing this when I’m not even conducting legal due diligence?
Maybe it’s just the lawyer in me. It’s hard to switch off that attention to detail, even when I’m not doing legal due diligence, and I’m curious about licenses I haven’t come across before.
hashtag malaysiancorporatelawyer
hashtag legalduediligence
This post first appeared on LinkedIn on 19 December 2024.